I am still alive...
Helloooooooo lovelies!
It's been a bit! I took what was supposed to be a teeny, tiny break.... that turned into a little while longer, then a little longer... and then bam, over a year flew by and I hadn't made one single candle.
I know you guys have probably been sick with worry about what I have been up to. So l will just fill you in with the abbreviated version. Pushed baby out. Nurse baby. Hold baby. Pick baby up. Put baby down. Pick baby up. Change baby. Wear baby. Cook for baby. Feed baby. Find friends for baby. Hug baby. Suck unidentifiable things out of baby's nose. Chase baby. Read to baby. Bathe baby. Rock baby. Dance for baby. Be baby's slave. Start all over. At 2am.
Best thing i've ever found in a salad bowl.
Dang, who knew this baby thing was so friggin hard, but also the best thing ever?!! It's very confusing this whole mom thing. I also very much underestimated that she was going to sit there and coo to me and tell me what a great mom I was while I stood there stirring hot melted wax.
I recently felt the shift inside of me from feeling really overwhelmed with taking on anything additional, to feeling inspired and excited about creating on a more regular basis again. I am backkkkkk, y'all! I've been tinkering with some new scents and I can't wait to share all the good smells with you. Let me know if there are any scents you are hoping to sniff in the near future and I'll try to make sure to work it into my testing. Also, any oldies, but goodies you want to see come back? Holllllla at me!
Missing you guys a ton. Let's never be apart again.